A New Mom Again—Eight Weeks In

It’s hard to believe our little Maia was born just eight weeks ago. Before this time I was all sorts of emotions rolled into one (tiny) ball. I can recall the feelings of excitement-fear / joy-anticipation / and giddiness-nervousness that plagued me in varying degrees during the weeks–and days–leading up to our daughter’s birth. I mean, how could I not be? It has been almost four years since I became a first-time mom.

Being a new mom AGAIN is a totally different experience (as it is with every woman, every pregnancy, every child). For me, the pregnancy this time around has been so smooth-sailing past the first 14 weeks (of nausea, vomiting, and even a one-time trip to the ER for hyperemesis gravidarum) that our OB sang praises to me practically every check up for maintaining a healthy weight gain, limiting my sugar intake (though it did not seem like it) and looking great all throughout the pregnancy. And I FELT great… No migraine attacks, no crazy heartburn moments, not even leg cramps! Even labor & delivery was easy (more on Maia’s birth story in a different post!) But in short, this pregnancy was GOLDEN! I’d not hesitate going through it all over again if it were always this easy…

Eight weeks in, I’d say there are countless moments of utter joy in being a second-time mom…with bonding times between Miggz and Maia topping that list. There are also times when things unexpectedly just hit you in the face, things that are to be expected–like the random meltdown moments from big brother Miggz (after all…he’s adjusting to a whole new role as a big brother and a whole new place in the family as no longer the only child among other things)–but that I have not necessarily readied myself for, I admit, despite reading up on “how to prepare the older child for baby no. 2” topics many times over the course of the last few weeks.

Eight weeks in, I’d say I’m now an expert in meeting the physical needs of baby no. 2, having gone through all the feeding-changing-sleeping routine with baby no. 1. I can distinguish between cries and can anticipate baby’s needs in a blink (for the most part). What I’m still learning is this whole new realm of balancing (before it was time between job and family, now, time between two kids). I must say though, I am LOVING every moment of being a full-fledged, full-time mom, thankful to not have the need to work out of the home and just concentrate and enjoy–even LAVISH–in the comfort of our home with not one, but two kids.

I’m loving it so much that, eight weeks in, I can say that I’d do it all over in a heartbeat.

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