A New Christmas Tradition

This was the first time we made gingerbread anything. I’ve wanted to try it for a couple of years but knew that Miggz was probably still too young in the years earlier. I thought this year was just right…he is three years and four months old, and can actually help out with the building and decorating.

Instead of making the traditional gingerbread house, we opted for a gingerbread train kit.

This is me doing a little prep work while Miggz looks on…he’s got his hands near the red and green M&M’s for easy access 🙂


And the rest of our photos chronicling what we hope would be a yearly Christmas tradition from here on…

Candy in his hands = candy in his mouth! Hence, that smile!!!

Candy in his hands = candy in his mouth! Hence, that smile!!!

Miggz helping me with the train cart's body.

Miggz helping me with the train cart’s body.

Create an annual tradition by purchasing a kit like this for less than $10 at your local grocery or arts & crafts store.

Create an annual Christmas tradition by purchasing a kit like this for less than $10 at your local grocery or arts & crafts store.

Miggz in action...

Miggz in action…

He enjoyed alternating between eating and decorating the gingerbread train!

He enjoyed alternating between eating and decorating the gingerbread train!

Detail shot...

Detail shot from above…

"M" is for Miguel.

“M” is for Miguel.

Detail shot of the train's engine.

Detail shot of the train’s engine.

This is me enjoying this activity, probably a LOT more than Miguel did!

This is me enjoying this activity, probably a LOT more than Miguel did!

The finished product ;)

The finished product 😉

Can't wait to make another one next year!!

Can’t wait to make another one next year!!

Capes, Crocs, and “Lottytops”

Things I want to remember from this past Halloween:

How this boy REFUSED to wear his costume with every ounce of his might…

How his UBER-patient Dad got him to wear said costume in every way I couldn’t…

How he was ALL SMILES and nothing else once he was Batman…

How he did not take from the candy pile that was reserved for trick-or-treaters. How he did not care much for trick-or-treating and was completely satisfied with staying in his stroller and letting Mommy and Daddy do all the hard work of procuring sweet treats. How he just loved, LOVED, loved nothing else but the “lottytops” (lollipops), leaving all the–unbeknownst to him–better candy to Mommy and Daddy (yeah!)

How he brings so much joy to this family just by being his usual charming, goofy, showstoppingly sweet and funny self.

Miggz and Lolo (Grandpa) being silly.

How there are moments of ups and downs–at Halloween and any other given day–but what’s important is how you handle the downs, and how you manage to soar through the ups…

With ever-giving patience, unending humility, and a steady self-control.

Yep…that’s all I want to remember from this past Halloween.

That, and these photos from his Daddy’s mobile phone…
