Summer Style

It is hard to believe that we are halfway past July.

For me, the calendar pages are flying and we are less than a month away from my son TURNING THREE!! We just got done with swimming lessons (his first) and are now looking into preschool.

I know. Crazy.

For those of you who can relate, I hope you are finding ways to remain stylish this summer despite the busyness and the time fastness, and everything else that comes with the territory of being a Mom, and especially a New Mamma.

I know by the time August comes, many of you just want to think up cooler weather and welcome crisp autumn air.

Trust me, I do get those thoughts, too.


But in the spirit of slowing things down, enjoying the moment, and wanting summer to last just a tad longer, here are some poolside and BBQ style inspirations to help you plan around outfits for the rest of the summer.

Courtesy of Stella & Dot.

Because the last thing a New Mamma needs is to stress her attire and accessories to wear to that next summer gathering.

And I DO firmly believe that every Mom needs to dress up every once in a while, if just for the sheer fun of it, summer or not.

Enjoy these looks…

Aren’t these all gorgeous, mom-worthy, and most of all, effortless?

And please, DO contact me if you: are curious about Stella & Dot / want to host an ONLINE trunk show (and earn FREE jewelry!!) / live in Arizona and want to host an ACTUAL trunk show (and earn free jewelry as well!!) / are interested in this amazing, uberly fun, uberly stylish opportunity in being a work-at-home entrepreneur like myself (no need to be an Arizona resident there!)…

It has seriously been SO rewarding for me that I just have to share the style and the opportunity.


Parent-Child Bonding Moments

On any given day…at any stage in life–whether consciously or sub-consciously, parents and their children get close and set up a special relationship through different bonding moments.

Mother-daughters do this through shopping, cooking, reading books, etc. Father-sons do it through sports, outdoor activities like hiking/camping, or cars.

Growing up, I’ve had (or still continue to have) very defined (albeit, UN-typical) bonding moments with my parents.

I’m not sure if my parents realize that I’ve “bonded” with them through these but…

With my Mom, it has always been through watching TV. Now we’re not die-hard TV show fans by any means. Somehow it just happens that my Mom and I both LOVE to watch Filipino teleseryes (soap operas) on The Filipino Channel (TFC). There are certain shows we just went “ga-ga” over through the years… Maging Sino Ka Man with Eli and Jackie (John-Lloyd Cruz and Bea Alonzo), Dahil May Isang Ikaw with Miguel and Ella (Jericho Rosales and Kristine Hermosa), and now, Walang Hanggan with Daniel and Katerina (Coco Martin and Julia Montes), and Dahil Sa Pag-Ibig with Alfred and Jasmin/Oliver and Agnes (Piolo Pascual and Christine Reyes/Jericho Rosales and Maricar Reyes). There are more shows I didn’t mention, but these are the more recent ones I can remember off the top of my head. We also like the ones Erich Gonzales have been in (Katorse, Maria La Del Barrio).

I have to point out that my Mom is more of a bigger FAN of teleseryes than I am. She is more the I-can’t-afford- to-miss-these-shows type, while I don’t go crazy if I miss an episode or two (as long as she tells me what I missed…hehehe).

I’ve bonded with my Dad through work. Always been that way. Every summer while I was in high school/college, I worked at the swimming pool company my Dad worked for. I made lots of money doing over time during those summers!! It was around those times that I learned how to work hard, make money (spend money too!!), and what it was like working in the real world. It’s just funny that after many years, I am now back working with my Dad, this time as a real estate agent like him.

I don’t remember many moments when I’ve bonded with my parents when I was younger. I do recall when I was around age 6/7 and Mom would take me to her office at S.G.V. (Sycip Gorres Velayo & Co.). I would pretend to “work” as well, while she went about her day. Looks like my bonding moments through WORK started with Mom and not with Dad after all…

This makes me think consciously about how we–Terrence and I–bond with Miguel…IF he’ll remember the conscious efforts we are making to bond with him now.

I know with Terrence, his special time with Miguel is spent playing outdoors…either going to the playground or playing in the backyard. Miguel just has a blast every time he’s with Daddy and is given free rein to be a boy and get dirty (hehehe).

As for me, my bonding moments with Miguel are more the quiet moments…book-reading, story-telling, teaching-learning, bedtime…that type of stuff.

I wonder how our bonding activities with Miguel will change over time. I hope he enjoys us and our company as long and as much as we enjoy his.

How do you bond with your child? Do you make a conscious effort to do so?

My bonding time with Miggz: some reading moments spent at Barnes & Noble. Sometimes he doesn't want me to read and prefers to TELL the story instead. He always starts with, "ONCE upon a TIIIIIME..." So cute.

Diego Overload!! Miggz saw Baby Jaguar from Diego on a shelf, so he picked it up. I gathered a few more Diego pieces for him to read/play with. His favorite was the book with the clock. He kept asking me, "What time is it, Mommey, what time is it?"

And of course...a stop at Barnes & Noble is not complete without Miggz playing at the Thomas & Friends train table display. The hard part is when it's time to leave. He cried and cried when we left the bookstore. I don't blame him...I LOVE B&N myself!!!


I look at you and you are every BIT of perfect.

A gift.

God’s gift.

This post is shared via other inspiring moms/writers participating with The Gypsy Mama‘s Five Minute Friday. Won’t you write along with us?

The Miggie Report: Halfway to Three

To have a memoir to look back on…recalling my days being a first-time Mom. To keep a time capsule of my son’s first memories. To capture the lessons learned, inspirations gathered, and yes…even trials faced along the way.

This is why I have this blog.

One of the things I’ve written up to this point is “The Miggie Report”…a growing up progress report of sorts for our son, Miguel. It’s a blog post that captures his antics, favorites–and all things in between–for a certain milestone age. I’ve stopped doing the monthlies once he reached 24 months (two years old), but I think half-year marks are worth the mention.

So here goes…

Miguel’s Current Age – 2 1/2 years old (+ 1 month…I’m actually a month behind in writing this post)

Antics – He’s now super talkative. He’s always been a talker, but I feel he became a real little chatterbox once he reached this age. He’s more conversational, more curious by way of asking questions and repeating phrases that come up in grown-up talk (in short, this is the age when you want to watch what you say around him for fear of embarrassment he might repeat something you wouldn’t want said by someone his age in public).

Favorite Toys – His train sets, puzzles, dinosaurs, and blocks. He does this thing now when he pretends he is baking a cake with his blocks. He layers them up like a rectangular sheet cake and gives me “pieces of cake” to eat…the red blocks are strawberry cake, the yellow banana cake, the green blocks are apple cake, and the blue are blueberry cake. I think we may have a budding pastry chef… (I must remember to buy some bakery toys/pretend cakes and pastries on our next trip to the toy store.) He also likes building airplanes and tall towers and robots with his blocks, and he gets quite frustrated when the blocks break/fall apart (call us mean, but we find this entertaining). I’ve had to teach him it’s OK that the blocks break because he can just build them up again.

Nursery Rhymes/SongsMiggz loves to sing. Especially at night right before bedtime. He likes to sing, sing, sing until he falls asleep. (That said, I’ve found that this is also the most effective time to teach him a new song). He also likes to sing when we are eating at the dinner table. So far, his library of full songs he can sing up to this point include:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star


Row, Row, Row Your Boat

The Wheels on the Bus

Jingle Bells

The Itsy-Bitsy Spider

Jack & Jill

Bahay Kubo – this is a Tagalog (Filipino) folk song about a hut-house surrounded by various vegetables in the garden

This is the Day (that the Lord has Made)

He also picks up songs quite easily from YouTube and TV cartoons (sometimes, songs from the radio too!!). He loves to sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song after his baths, as well as sing along to shows that he watches.

Education – For a kid his age, Miggz watches a LOT of TV. I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing. He learns quite a great deal of educational things from TV, and we make sure we balance the TV watching with actual “lessons.” Miggz knows his ABC’s, colors, numbers. He can count straight to 30 and understands basic math (1+1=2, 2+2=4, etc…). He knows the concept of what happens if we add/take away stuff and how many remain (if we have six apples, take away two, he’ll count how many is left). He can also identify animals and the sounds they make, knows his dinosaur toy species, can pinpoint fruits and name vegetables (now if he only ATE his veggies, I would be TOTALLY happy and we’d be golden…)

The Outdoors – He still LOVES to pick up rocks. And play on dirt/sand. I guess this comes with the territory of having a boy.

The Terrible Twos – Up until this point, I thought we’ve so far skipped this stage. But yup, the terrible two’s upon us. Miggz has definitely found his whiny voice and tantrums now. Funny how they also develop a “pride” thing this early. For example, I had no trouble teaching him to say “Please” and “Thank You,” but for some reason, it took him really long to learn to say “I’m sorry”…not so much the meaning of it (though he knows what it means now) but just the act of saying it. His “NO!” voice has also gotten so pronounced (most of the time with a sting) that I’ve had to teach him to say “No thanks” instead. Of course, now he says “No thanks” to everything…

Learning Discipline. I’m a believer of “the earlier you teach them right, the sooner they’ll learn.” I’m definitely the bad cop in the house. I want to teach Miggz right from wrong, and for him to know that we love him unconditionally. This part of parenting is not easy, but something you have to deal with.

Below is a printable I got from Pinterest and framed in Miguel’s room. It captures my thoughts for him, for this age and beyond.

And here’s a look back on when Miggz was JUST six-months old…a care-free time when he was so little (and we didn’t have to think about discipline yet…)

Miguel at six "Terrible Twos" here!!


I am in complete wonder and awe of this boy…

Some days he gives us an extra dose of cute, an overdose of joy.

He is our son.

A gift. A blessing.

No one ever said Motherhood would be easy, only that it would be worth it.

Look into your child’s eyes today.

Tell him/her…

“You are worth it.”

Eager Helper

I love it when Miggz gets so eager to help Mommey around the house.

Every time I do the laundry, I ask him to help me load the wash by putting in dirty clothes into the washer. It’s amazing how he eagerly complies!! When the wash is done, I call him from play, and he happily gets up and stops whatever he’s doing to help me load clean clothes into the dryer.

This is not so much to lighten my load by all means. If anything…the work takes a tad longer having little hands help out.

But the ultimate payback is getting to teach your little one at a young age the value of contribution. That he–even at 2 1/2–is valued, and every little help he gives goes a long way.

I hope he continues on with his eager helping attitude as he grows. He may see it as something “fun” now, but eventually, I hope he sees that helping Mommey (and Daddy, too!) is a huge deal, and we appreciate it when he helps out around the house.

Here is a photo of Miggz “helping” Daddy cook some rice…

Our eager helper learns how to cook rice at 2 1/2.

Connecting is Caring

Our church is doing an all-church study for the month of March called “Connect. Grow. Serve.” I feel compelled to share what we learned today–for the benefit of Miggz–and any of you out there who feel some kind of disconnect in their daily relationships.

Our world right now is a busy world engulfed in technology. Sometimes our best connections and relationships are made by, and through, technology. Unfortunately, though some of these connections are great…they also at times can feel empty…incomplete…superficial.

If you are in that place, I have one word for you. CARE.

You have to care enough to connect.

We are–and I’m culprit to this more than half the time–so engulfed in our own priorities, our own agendas, our own to-do lists, that we fail to connect with people.

Not just connect in a hi-hello sense. Not just connect in a “like” your Facebook post sense. Not just connect in re-Tweet sense, or repin in Pinterest sense, or respond to a text or email sense.

But really connect.

Connect in that relationship-forming, relationship-building, relationship-establishing sense.

Connecting to the people we encounter everyday. Whether they are family, friends, or co-workers. Whether they are complete strangers. Whether they are our own children.

Especially if they are our own children.

If you care enough to connect on a deeper level, you’ll be giving up your precious time and wanting to get out of your safe haven/bubble/comfort zone.

Not the easiest to do.

But if you really, really care…if you really, really want to establish/fix/develop/flourish that relationship, you will.

You should.

Connecting is caring.

Caring is connecting.

Will you connect with someone today?


Miggz at 2 1/2…Chef in the Making

Never too early to teach the little one how to cook–or at least cut the vegetables…

These realistic veggie toys help kids recognize and identify vegetables–and hopefully allow them to actually eat their veggies come meal time.

Except Miggz–who used to love pureed carrots as a baby when we first introduced him to solids–now thinks the carrots are just “for bunnies.”

Monday Morning Thoughts

As you both lie in your sleep, I look at you and your dad on this early Monday morning. He loves it when you’re in the bed with us. He lets you get away with a lot.

You are his best friend. And he is yours. You encircle and enrich his world. And he does yours.

You bring endless smiles and laughter and energy into our lives.

Yes, you tire us out, too. At times to the point of exhaustion…(especially Mommey).

But we would not have it any other way.

You are our son, whom we are thankful for every day.

For the life, the laughter, the love.

There is never a dull moment since you came into our world.

Photos taken from our Flagstaff day trip this month.

Apple Absorption

We are a tech-using, tech-absorbing family. Aside from my husband’s quick stint with an Android tablet (we still have it, but it rarely gets used), we are all about Apple products.

Here’s a peek into what my hubby and son were doing as I watched the Oscars…

Dad is on his iPhone while Miggz is on my iPad. I try not to get him so used to handling the iPad. If I do let him, it’s usually when I read him a story (there are some great–and FREE–kid-friendly stories on the iBooks app). A few of our mother-son bonding moments have been over an iBook (though I prefer–and am glad he does too–his traditional board books over the electronic ones).

In this instance, Dad gave him the iPad to watch some cartoons on YouTube.

How often do you let your kids use technology at home?

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