Arizona Life

My family (my husband, my then almost one-year-old son and myself) moved to Arizona from Jersey right smack in the summer sizzle of 2010.

My parents flew in from Arizona the week before our move to help with some last-minute packing (and keep my hubby and I both sane during our cross-country move). My son and I flew via JetBlue from JFK on July 31st while my mom accompanied us on our flight.

Terrence started a road trip with my dad the next day driving a U-HAUL truck with some of the stuff we’ve decided to take along with us–plus our car which we hitched at the back of the truck. It took them three days to drive across the country.

Here are some posts chronicling our move, along with some of our discoveries and adventures in our new home state.

Operation: Family Schedule

Taking Care of Business

All Things Good and Yummy

Pumpkin Patch

We Missed the Train!

WHAT Happened to Spring?

The Day We Missed The Sunset at Grand Canyon National Park

Enjoying the Great Outdoors / Miguel’s First Camping Trip

Ode to Apt. 3217

Year One in Arizona

Revisiting Sedona

The Pumpkin Patch, Year Two

Getting High Off the Cool Weather

Here You Go, Ducks

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