A Few More Pics from Swim Class

Here are a few more photos from Miguel’s first ever swimming lessons. These were taken toward the end of the two-week session.

As you can see…he is more confident in and around the pool. We can’t wait to enroll him again 😉

Miggz and I about to get in the water...

Miggz and I about to get in the water…

Head under water and kicking fiercely!

Head under water and kicking fiercely!

Little handsome-face...

Little handsome-face…

He wants to go in again!

He wants to go in again!

Miggz enjoyed it much!

Miggz enjoyed it much!

And So I Turn 30…

I’ve had various mixed feelings about today. Mostly along the lines of panic (“eeeek!”), indifference (“who cares, it’s JUST a number”), excitement (“psshhh…30 is the new 20!”), and defiance (“I refuse to believe that I’m old!!!”).

What it all comes down to–I’ve realized–should be not so much how I feel about this milestone, but what wisdom I can impart my two-year-old son. What, with all the highs and lows, blessings and blows, rejoices and regrets of life thus far, can I gift him, on this my 30th birthday.

THAT wisdom can be summed up into this Holstee Manifesto, for which I am grateful someone else have already come up with–but pretty much sums up my every thought of lesson and legacy for Miguel.

This is your LIFE, son. Live it, and live it well.